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A diastasis is the widening of the gap between the 2 sections of your rectus abdominus, or ‘6 pack’ muscle that runs down the center of your abs. The muscles naturally part during pregnancy to make room for your growing baby, but they don’t always com back together afterwards.

The connective tissue between the muscles has been stretched and weakened. This leaves your entire core muscle system compromised, with literally ‘a gap’ at the front of your abs.

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Is there just something different about your belly?
Are you often mistaken for being pregnant?
Do you look more "pregnant" at the end of the day?
Do you have other symptoms described in this graphic?
Do the self-test to see if you have Diastasis Recti.



Why it's Important to find Reliable Guidance


A lot of unhelpful, and even damaging, advice exists about DR. Suggestions such as binding, crunches, planks--you name it--bad advice is out there. Moms can go years not realizing what the problem is. From personal experience I'm here to hopefully save you the hours upon hours of time and research along with the heartache and expense of following poor advice. MuTu is backed by research, acclaimed by medical experts and used by thousands of satisfied clients (and it includes a satisfaction guarantee). I'm sorry to tell you there is NO QUICK FIX with DR, but there is hope!
Years later or months later, it can be done! Read:

Why it's never too late to start healing your DR

​If you don't have DR, but you still need core strengthening and/or are experiencing pelvic floor issues, the MuTu program is also excellent for General Core Rehab. It is reported recently that after her third child, Kate Middleton-Duchess of Cambridge-used the system!
Click to learn more or order!
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